How to Build a Multi-National Company and Overcome Language Barriers: Our Experience
Building a multi-national company comes with its fair share of challenges, and one of the biggest hurdles we faced was overcoming language barriers. With team members from diverse backgrounds and countries, ensuring seamless communication was essential to our success.

We found a solution through an innovative language-learning app that helped our employees improve their English skills without disrupting their workday. In this article, we’ll share how this app became a key tool in fostering stronger connections and smoother collaboration within our international team.
Building a team that spans different cultures and time zones is no small feat. When we began growing our company, we quickly realized that language could either be a bridge or a barrier. In our case, we had employees from all corners of the globe—each bringing unique skills but also different native languages. It was clear that if we wanted to collaborate effectively, we needed to communicate in one shared language. English became that choice, but learning a language on the fly, while managing a busy work life, isn't easy.

That’s when we decided to integrate a language-learning app into our work routine. This wasn’t just any app; it was a flexible tool that fit into our employees' lives without causing disruption. Each person could learn at their own pace, and the app offered a systematic approach that made it feel more like a daily habit than an obligation.
The first time you log in, you’re greeted with a deck of flashcards—a simple but effective way to learn new vocabulary. From here, users can either create new decks of words, merge existing decks, or jump into different learning modes like "Learn," "Review," or "Problem Words." These features allowed our employees to customize their learning paths based on what they needed most at the time.
I remember one of the team members from Poland who found the merge feature particularly useful.

Instead of juggling multiple sets of vocabulary lists, she could combine them into one and study more efficiently. Others, like a colleague in Turkey, loved the flexibility of jumping straight into reviewing words they’d struggled with earlier in the week. These small options made learning feel more personal, something that catered to the individual, rather than a rigid system.
For those who preferred a more structured approach, the app offered a "Learning Mode." This mode presents a set number of words to learn in each session. First, you see the English word and are encouraged to think of an association. Once you’re ready, you press a button to reveal the translation or definition, along with a contextual sentence to help cement the word's meaning. It’s a straightforward process, but what made it work was the added pressure of time—keeping the user focused without feeling overwhelmed.

As soon as a block of words (usually six) is learned, you move into a "Check" phase. This phase mixes things up by testing you six times, flipping between Russian-English and English-Russian in both fixed and random orders. It’s a clever way to ensure that the words stick, even if your brain tries to let them slip away. And if, at any point, you miss a word or run out of time, the word is flagged for more review later on.
One thing we appreciated about this app is that it didn’t feel like a grind. The timer element made sessions feel quick, but not rushed. You could dip in during a coffee break, complete a set, and feel like you accomplished something without interrupting your day. We could adjust the number of words in a block, the number of checks, and other features within the app’s settings, giving each person the flexibility to tailor the learning experience to their needs.

For many on our team, language learning became part of their daily rhythm. It wasn’t just about mastering English; it was about breaking down walls that had unintentionally formed between us. The app allowed us to connect more deeply. Conversations that once felt stilted became more natural. We could joke, brainstorm, and troubleshoot without having to worry about misunderstandings.
I recall a time when one of our desginers from Sweden, who was initially shy in meetings due to language barriers, began chiming in more frequently after a few months of using the app. His contributions became crucial to solving technical issues, and it was clear that his growing confidence in English played a part in that shift.
The app wasn’t just about language, though. It created a shared experience. We found ourselves swapping tips on how to create funny associations for tough words or sharing our progress in the group chat. There were even a few friendly competitions—who could master the most words in a week or complete the most checks without mistakes. These small interactions built a sense of camaraderie that went beyond words.

Interestingly, the app’s influence started showing in unexpected ways. Beyond team meetings and daily check-ins, we began noticing how English became the language of innovation within our company. New ideas flowed more freely, discussions during brainstorming sessions became more dynamic, and our employees were able to collaborate more seamlessly across projects. Even non-work conversations took on new life, as people bonded over cultural references or favorite English phrases they’d picked up.
We’ve also seen how mastering English has empowered our employees beyond the workspace. For some, improving their language skills has given them the confidence to engage with global clients and partners more effectively. Others have used the language as a springboard to explore opportunities they wouldn’t have considered before. It’s been a reminder that communication is more than just a tool—it’s an opportunity for personal growth.

Now, our team doesn’t just see language learning as a task to complete but as an integral part of their daily life, both in and outside of work. The app has made learning accessible, flexible, and enjoyable, fitting into the flow of everyday life while bridging the gaps between our diverse team members.

Building an international team has its challenges, but when you have a tool that helps everyone speak the same language—literally and figuratively—the rewards are immense. We’ve seen firsthand how it can transform not just how we communicate, but how we collaborate, innovate, and grow as a team.
SEPTEMBET, 06 / 2024
Text author: Bo Hlushko
Photography: Unspalsh
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